Ohio Legislative Update Talk at Maumee Indoor Theatre March 23, 2023
The NW Ohio Conservative Coalition (NWOCC) is sponsoring a talk, “Ohio Legislative Update” on Thursday March 23, 2023 6:30pm at the Maumee Indoor Theatre Community Room, 601 Conant Street, Maumee, OH 43537, featuring State Representatives Derek Merrin (District 42) and Josh Williams (District 41). “Many people are wondering what’s going on in Columbus. We are looking forward to hearing from two leaders in the legislature as what the outlook is for important issues such as school vouchers, tax cuts and abortion”, said Linda Bowyer, chair of the NWOCC.
This talk is free and open to the public (we will ask for donations to cover the room cost), but pre-registration is required as seating is limited. Please register using Eventbrite, https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ohio-legislative-update-tickets-567253268797 .
The Northwest Ohio Conservative Coalition is a non-connected political action committee registered with the Federal Elections Commission and the State of Ohio. For more information, visit our webpage www.NWOCC.org or contact us at nwohioconservativecoalition@gmail.com .
Media Contact: Linda Bowyer (419)276-0664