No – we are not asking you to send money to NWOHIOCC. This is not another solicitation letter for the PAC. But money and donations will still play a major, and perhaps decisive, role in the election of conservative candidates for office on November 6.
This election is clearly the turning point for our country. More and more Americans believe that our country is headed in the wrong direction. Many believe that we have gone beyond the “tipping point” and it is too late for our government to institute reforms sufficient enough to save our union. We believe there is still time. But we must do everything we can, as conservatives, to be certain that conservative candidates will be elected to office this November.
At this critical time in our country’s history, we view the most important candidates for office as being Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan for President and Vice President, and Josh Mandel for U.S. Senate here in Ohio. Both of these conservatives need our financial support now, not in November after the election, but now. So we are asking that you make a contribution to one or both immediately. Their addresses are below:
Please make your checks payable to Romney for President and mail to:
Romney for President
PO Box 149756
Boston, MA 02114-9756
Please make checks payable to Citizens for Josh Mandel and mail to:
Citizens for Josh Mandel
50 West Broad Street, Suite 1900
Columbus, Ohio 43215
We feel that both Mitt Romney and Josh Mandel have extremely well run campaign organizations and are better able at this stage of the election to direct campaign contributions in the most effective way. So we urge you to donate whatever amount you feel you can afford to their campaigns as soon as possible.
It is just as urgent that you vote, and that you encourage your friends, relatives and neighbors to vote on November 6. The candidates who are able to get supporters to the polls on November 6 will prevail. It is absolutely urgent that we all vote at the polls on November 6 or by absentee ballot before the deadline for casting absentee ballots. The website to obtain an application for an absentee ballot in the state of Ohio is:
If you return your absentee ballot by mail to your local Board of Elections, it must be received by your board of elections by 7:30 p.m. on Election Day (November 6) or postmarked* no later than the day before Election Day and received by your county board of elections no later than 10 days after the election.
* “Postmarked” does not include a date marked by a postage evidence system such as a postage meter. So please mail in a contribution immediately to Mitt Romney and/or Josh Mandel, and be certain to
Jeff Lydy, Treasurer, 4035 Forest Lawn Rd., Toledo, Oh 43623